- My own experience with chemical and electrical sensitivity gives me unique experience and understanding on how to achieve healthful living spaces for my clients.
- I work closely with forward-thinking physicians and healthcare practitioners to enable their treatments to achieve greater efficacy by helping provide a living environment that aids in lowering the body burden of environmental pollutants and EMF’s.
- Licensed builder with decades of carpentry and remodeling experience.
- Years of experience coupling Building Science and Building Biology for the optimum health supporting environment.
- New build, remodel, or mitigation consulting, including specific items like: non-toxic building materials, insulation, self-adhering house wraps, air sealing, low EMF wiring configuration, ventilation and make up air, etc…
- Knowledge of, and experience installing non-toxic and no VOC building products.
- Visual mold inspections and Indoor air quality testing for Particulates, Mold and VOC’s.
Dave Green B.Sc., M.Sc., BBEC, EMRS