Chris McPhie, B.Ed. BBEC, EMRS

Ajax, Ontario

As a certified Building Biologist Environmental Consultant and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Chris is passionate about helping others create the healthiest living spaces possible.

He taught elementary school for over ten years, becoming acutely aware of the increasing health issues faced by families. When his own young daughter was identified as being sensitive to EMFs, Chris embarked on a journey to find solutions.

Chris now specializes in helping others identify and fix the multitude of problems within their homes. He understands the complexities involved in reworking living spaces and offers a variety of actionable steps families and individuals can take to improve the health of their living space and the health of everyone living within them.

He is an expert in cleaning up our electromagnetic environments, along with assessing all the other factors that impact our health; including air quality, water quality, product choices and much more!

Remember, it’s within everyone’s power to create a more health-promoting space. Let’s embark on this journey together—the power lies with you! 💪😁

Virtual assessment and consultation options are also available.