Chris Hoffmeyer, ME, EMRS

Nashville, Tennessee (plus Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alaska)

Chris Hoffmeyer is a licensed Master Electrician and General Contractor with broad Electromechanical, IT, and Design experience.  At Haven Hills, we believe homes are intended to protect and nourish the precious lives of your family!

Our primary focus is on how the built environment impacts your health and well-being.

We work with our clients to create beautiful and deeply nourishing spaces that turn your home into a sanctuary.  We, as human beings, are a magnificent melding of the physical, emotional, and spiritual.  We strive to support the whole person.

We are ever expanding how we live out our passion.  Currently we offer:

  • Healthy Home Consulting
    • EMF Assessments & Remediation
    • Low EMF Electrical System Design & Installation
    • New Build Consulting & Advising
    • Train and Support Your GC and Electrical Contractor
  • Self-Sufficient Whole Home Power Systems
    • Generator Design, Install, Remote Monitoring, and Maintenance
  • Low Voltage Design & Installation
    • Hardwired Computer Networks
    • Hardwired Video Surveillance Systems and Video Doorbells
  • Nourished Living Life Coaching
    • Education
    • Less-toxic Consumer Goods Recommendations
    • 1 on 1 Coaching
  • Special Projects

Learn more by visiting
Book a no-cost initial consultation: Book No-Cost Initial Consult
Contact Chris: Web Form  /  Smart Phone Contact Card