Laura Canavan-Hayes, BBEC

Dublin, Ireland

Laura founded The BioWeaver Method because of her own healing journey of 20 years from Iife-threatening anaphylaxis, severe eczema and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) which set her on a path of passion to help others to heal by getting to the root cause of their illnesses.

Laura works in Ireland, the UK and Europe conducting in-person surveys as well as doing online consultations, health home project management, and functional medicine coaching globally, particularly in the US and Australia.

After losing her Dad very young to lung cancer at only 48 when she was 17, and losing my Mum later to breast cancer, the power of epigenetics, and the prevention, or alleviation, of chronic disease, is central to her work.

Empowering her clients on their own health journeys and activating their innate healing capacities lies at the centre of The BioWeaver Method –

‘Inspired by Nature, Designed by You’.

As a Building Biology Environmental Consultant and a Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach, Laura fuses these two disciplines to support her clients to detoxify their homes, workspaces, and bodies, bolstering their natural immunity and helping to prevent and alleviate chronic disease.  After creating healthy homes and using a functional medicine approach to heal their bodies (Food really is medicine!), many of her clients thrive like they never have before.  This is down to their hard work in making the changes that they envision.

Laura is a writer and regular speaker at seminars and conferences and runs workshops for companies, communities, and individuals on Environmental Health in the Home (and Planet!), Natural Building and Decorating and How to use a Functional Medicine Approach to Heal.

Laura Canavan-Hayes BBEC, FMHWC, BA (Mod), MA, GDL Law
Founder & CEO The BioWeaver Method
Ph: + 353 86 379 8521