Matt Waletzke, BBEC

New York, New York

Did you know that the average person spends 90% of their lives indoors? Did you also know that your body is constantly being affected by your environment? Weather you are absorbing toxic elements through your skin, through your lungs and the air you breath or energetically through electric and magnetic fields you are a reflection of the environment you live and work in. Therefore where your body dwells is a fundamental factor to your overall health. At Healthy Dwellings we help people eliminate their dis-ease by transforming their living environments towards optimal health. Our holistic approach, considers both biological and ecological factors of toxic exposure and how to avoid, reduce or eliminate them. As Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultants (BBEC) we help individuals and families create the healthiest indoor environment possible through education and consulting.

Whether you have symptoms of poor health that don’t seem to be improving or you desire the peace of mind that a healthy home provides, our services are ideal. We offer full in-home assessments ranging from electromagnetic screening, water quality, air quality, VOC’s and moisture intrusion to evaluations of household cleaning and personal care products. Wondering about the health or possible toxicity of your home? Contact us for a free phone consultation. In just 15 minutes we can assess your homes potential exposures. Check out our web site for easy and helpful tips that you can begin with to help you get started creating your own healthy dwelling.

Available for in-home consultations, healthy home presentations and workshops throughout the New York, Tri-state area as well as Minnesota. Phone consultations available nationwide.

Matt Waletzke, BBEC
Healthy Dwellings
P.O. Box 233
New York, NY 10028
Phone: 612-242-4558