Cathy Cooke, BBEC, EMRS

Boise, Idaho

At Whole Home and Body Health, we help you achieve optimal health in ALL areas of your life. In order to reach your maximum healing potential, we must address the whole person. This means focusing on diet, exercise, mental outlook, and the health of your home and workplace. As certified experts in Holistic Nutrition and Building Biology, we dig deep to address underlying imbalances in your body from a functional medicine perspective; we help you assess your movement routine and access to nature; we look at how your mental outlook is affecting your body, mind and health; and we do full assessments on your living space- addressing the health of your Air Quality and your Electromagnetic exposure. All of these areas are evaluated and brought into balance so you can live your best life possible.

Indoor Air Quality Assessment
Are you suffering from a host of health issues yet you’re doing everything right? The health of our indoor air quality is crucial to our well-being. Eating a pasture-based, organic, non-GMO diet is a great start, but you can’t go home and breath in a load of toxins and microbes in bedroom and expect to remain as vital as you’d like. The quality of the air you breath is just as crucial as the diet you eat. In our Indoor Air Quality Assessment, we address each of the following issues in detail:

  • Visual assessment of heating, air conditioning and ventilation system. Mold testing may be conducted based on results of visual inspection
  • Evaluation of indoor temperature and humidity
  • Evaluation of adequacy of indoor air ventilation
  • Testing and evaluation of particulate matter in indoor air (particulate matter may contribute to allergies and other health conditions)
  • Checking for unwanted gases
  • Evaluation of cleaning products
  • Visual interior inspection for water or moisture damage; testing for mold if warranted
  • Water quality testing if desired
  • Radon testing if desired

Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment
Our increasing reliance on wireless communication has created an unprecedented exposure to unnatural radio frequencies, which can cause a host of health issues. Combined with common wiring errors and electronic devices that create electric and magnetic fields, our own body’s electric circuitry suffers from increased exposure. We assess your living spaces to reduce these exposures and give the body a break from the insults. We test for the following, and suggest remediation and shielding strategies:

  • AC electric fields
  • AC magnetic fields
  • Radio frequency
  • Dirty electricity

Nutrition Consultations
At Whole Home and Body Health we don’t make blanket recommendations based on the latest fad’s, we custom tailor a health plan based on your unique individuality. We get to the root cause of your issues and goals, and provide the best approach for YOU! We utilize the following strategies to help you achieve your health goals:

  • Complete health history assessment
  • Chronic illness management
  • Lab analysis
  • Sleep and stress support
  • Weight management
  • GI function and assessment
  • Lab testing where needed
  • Dietary and supplement recommendations

Cathy Cooke, BBEC, EMRS
Whole Home and Body Health
Boise, Idaho
Phone: 970-485-5092