Topics include mitigating and solving biological hazards presented by mold and animal/insect pests, origins and solutions for particulate hazards, chemical interactions with health.
Topics include internal and external sources of bulk water, water vapor in basements and crawl-spaces, the proper methods and timing for positive outcome of water events.
Topics include combined exposures, sick building syndrome, building-related illness, multiple chemical sensitivity, electro-hypersensitivity, materials research, safety data sheets.
Topics include water quality issues, water quality parameters, water treatment options, carbon filters, types of purifications systems, reverse osmosis, sterilization, water conditioning.
Topics include DC electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic spectrum, AC electricity and magnetism, high-frequency radiation, radioactivity and radon.
Topics include space-specific urban guidelines, vitality of public spaces, inviting nature back in, mitigating negative vehicular traffic, rainwater management, energy reduction.
Topics include new urbanism, transit-oriented development, co-housing, commons solutions, ecohoods, pocket neighborhoods, transition movement and its principles.
Topics include modern urban design guidelines, defining City as Place, greening cities, natural ecological solutions, renewables, flood planning, and solar ordinances.
Topics include Building Biology Principles, scaling to the ideal size, city sate to mega-city, geomancy, centralized versus decentralized solutions, ailing city/garden city.
This course will lead you to understand the various construction details over the last 100+ years, homeowners and tenants can make better choices to ensure great air quality within their living spaces.