Muhammad M. Rahman, BBEC, EMRS

Maryland/Washington DC/Northern Virginia

I am a certified Building Biology Consultant (BBEC), a certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS), and a certified Hijama Cupping Therapist (HCP). I promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through living a lifestyle that focuses on the following:

  • Healthy home environment that is free of natural and man-made toxic elements.
  • Environmentally responsible lifestyle with care for people, other species, and nature.
  • Emotional and spiritual well-being.

Towards these goals, I offer the following services:

  • Home assessments of harmful radiations from electrical fields, magnetic fields, and MEP (aka “dirty electricity”) coming from building wiring, nearby powerlines, and service entrance.
  • Home assessment of radio frequency radiations from cell towers, home routers, smart meters, cordless phones, baby monitors, and other wireless devices.
  • Healthy Home Assessment that includes indoor air quality, air particulates, mold, pollen, dander, fiber, gas leaks, and more.
  • Consulting services for better home design from health perspectives.
  • Fixed and Moving cupping therapy for physical well-being
  • Traditional Hijama cupping therapy for physical and spiritual well-being
  • Healthy Lifestyle counselling, which may include topics such as food, nutrition, emotional health and spirituality (done via phone or zoom)

My services are available to everyone. If you have budgetary constraints, please feel free to contact me to discuss options.

Muhammad M. Rahman
(301) 653-0056

Best way to contact me is via email or text since my phone is often in Airplane mode.