Courses Filter Courses by Category: All Annual Conference Building Biology & Ecological Design Building Materials & Structural Components Correspondence Course (mentored) Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetics, IAQ Free Courses - 1. Introductions Free Videos - 2. General Free Videos - 3. Indoor Climate Free Videos - 4. Electrosmog Free Videos - 5. Building Healthy Design & Building Hidden Categories, Hidden Courses IBE 101: Natural Healthy Buildings IBE 101: NHB IBE 110 - Environmental Basics IBE 121 - Green does not always mean Healthy IBE 201+ - Bau-Biologie® IBE 202+ - Building Physics IBE 203+ - Ecological Design IBE 204+ - Living Environment IBE 205+ - Building Materials IBE 206+ - House Systems IBE 207+ - Structural Components IBE 208+ - Environmental Health IBE 209+ - Home Operational Manual IBE 210+ - Interactive Seminars IBE 310 - Advanced Seminars IBE Certification Tracks IBE Membership IBE Re-certification Indoor Environmental Quality Living Environment & Building Physics Membership Levels Miscellaneous My Test Category Professional Certification Seminars, and Seminar Updates Under $50 Sort by: Default A to Z Sort Z to A Sort by latest Sort by oldest IBE 202+ - Building Physics +IBE 202.3 Thermal Properties Free Electromagnetic Radiation 5G: Technology & Protection Strategies Topics include differentiating 5G from prior technologies, the massive expansion of current infrastructure, the health hazards and effects, how to identify and mitigate the hazards to health that 5G presents. $ 185.00 Professional Certification Advocate: BBA – Advance Purchase Building Biology Advocate (BBA) certification will give you the knowledge and skills with which to improve your own dwellings and workplaces, and educate others in this increasingly vital area of public health and well-being. $ 865.00 Membership Levels Algonquin Year Four Academic Membership Free Membership Levels Algonquin Year One Academic Membership Free Membership Levels Algonquin Year Three Academic Membership Free Membership Levels Algonquin Year Two Academic Membership Free Electromagnetic Radiation Baby Monitors Topics include types of monitors, connections systems (wired versus wireless), types of radiation emitted, research on health effects, how to minimize undesirable radiation. $ 145.00 Electromagnetic Radiation Cellphones: Unsafe at Any Speed Topics include impacts on health, analog and digital radio frequency, thermal effect, non-thermal effect, high and low frequencies, scientific research, environmental solutions. $ 145.00 Healthy Design & Building Community Planning: Cities in Crisis Topics include Building Biology Principles, scaling to the ideal size, city sate to mega-city, geomancy, centralized versus decentralized solutions, ailing city/garden city. $ 145.00 Healthy Design & Building Community Planning: Exemplary Case Studies Topics include modern urban design guidelines, defining City as Place, greening cities, natural ecological solutions, renewables, flood planning, and solar ordinances. $ 145.00 Healthy Design & Building Community Planning: Incorporating Building Biology Topics include new urbanism, transit-oriented development, co-housing, commons solutions, ecohoods, pocket neighborhoods, transition movement and its principles. $ 115.00 123456 Next