Free Fact Sheets
Baby Monitors FactsheetWireless High-frequency Radiation
The joy of becoming a parent is incomparable, but comes with the worry for your baby’s well-being, especially when you are not able to directly supervise the newborn. This very…
Human Response to Light FactsheetNatural And Artificial Sources
Light is a central part of the human experience. Not only does light allow us to see but also our exposure to light largely determines our physiological, and in turn…
Designing a Kitchen for Wellness FactsheetHealthy Finishes, Fixtures, and Appliances
Kitchens are an integral part of every home. Ultimately, kitchens are where we nourish ourselves, feed our families and host guests. However, kitchen design and its effect on human health…
Photovoltaic Solar Panels FactsheetExposure to Electromagnetic Radiation
Solar or Photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems as well as other alternative energy producing systems (e.g. wind generators and gas power, on-site generators) are not recommended for people who are…
Electric Light FactsheetOptions & Health Impacts
Electric lighting became available less than 150 years ago but it provides a convenience most people would find difficult to live without today. The use of artificial light has undoubtedly…
Cellphones: Unsafe at Any Speed FactsheetLimit Your Exposure Whenever Feasible
Cellphones are unhealthy at any speed, and the speed is increasing year in and year out with generational advances in cellular technology. Beginning in 1973, with the first-generation (1G) offering…
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for You FactsheetBiological, Particulate, Chemicals
Biologicals All creatures need food and water. Manage pests of any size—from large (rodents) to small (bugs) to very small (mould) by keeping your building dry and clean. Manage moisture…
Cities In Crisis FactsheetBuilding Biology Principles of Community Planning
Principles 2-4 of the Building Biology Principles concern Community Planning: Place dwellings so occupants are undisturbed by sources of man-made air, soil, water, noise and electro-pollution. Place dwellings in well-planned…
Electromagnetic Radiation FactsheetView on Health
This is the second module of the prerequisite and fundamental course on electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This course discusses known biological effects caused by EMR as well as suspected ones. Additionally,…
Smart Meters FactsheetHigh-frequency Electromagnetic Emissions
“Smart” meters do not satisfy Building Biology Institute’s standards for a healthy built environment. The primary problems are the wireless communication with high frequency electromagnetic radiation and the disturbing peculiarity…
Ventilation FactsheetFundamental Biology for Enclosed Spaces
The air we breathe today is often polluted by an extensive range of particulate and gaseous toxins generated by furnaces, power plants, factories, automobiles and myriad other sources. Although the…
Community Planning FactsheetIncorporating Building Biology Principles
Principles 2-4 of the Building Biology Principles concern Community Planning: Place dwellings so occupants are undisturbed by sources of man-made air, soil, water, noise and electro-pollution. Place dwellings in well-planned…
5G FactsheetUnderstanding The Technology & Protection Strategies
5G describes 5th generation cellular technology being introduced in the coming decade of the 2020s. It is not 5.8 GHz, a Wi-Fi and cordless telephone frequency used for years. 5G…
Electrical Home Wiring FactsheetDesigns for Low radiation
Electricity is a hallmark of industrialized societies. In most of the Western world, homes not only offer the convenience of running water, but also the luxury of electricity. Electric kitchen…
Water FactsheetQuality & Treatment Options
Poor indoor air quality is not the only form of pollution that affects human health. In 2005 the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyzed more than 22 million tap-water quality tests…
Managing Moisture FactsheetMaintain Your Vigilance
Liquid Water Bulk or liquid water can cause the most damage to building materials and contents. Managing water entry points through the building envelope, by regular inspection and maintenance of…
Light-frame Construction FactsheetNature as the Guiding Principle
Our homes protect us from outside elements, but there are also indoor elements that can negatively impact our health. They will vary with the age of the home, as different…
MEP (Dirty Electricity) FactsheetMicro-surge Electric Pollution
This course is an extract and elaboration on this topic from the IBE Electromagnetic Radiation course series. This course is intended for the greater public interested in having a better…
EMR Safety In-house FactsheetCost Free Solutions
Electromagnetic radiation can’t be seen or smelled or touched so most people don’t think much about it. But an increasing number of people are becoming affected by the ever-increasing levels…
EMR Safety From Outside Sources FactsheetElectromagnetic Radiation Is Everywhere
External sources (outside your home) of non-thermal electromagnetic radiation (EMR) are ubiquitous: microwave towers, high-power lines, electrical transfer/relay stations, smart meters, cell phones and smart phones. Smart Phones are especially…
Sustainable Cities FactsheetBuilding Biology Roadmap
Principles 2-4 of the Building Biology Principles concern Community Planning: Place dwellings so occupants are undisturbed by sources of man-made air, soil, water, noise and electro-pollution. Place dwellings in well-planned…
Ample Natural Ventilation FactsheetThe Benefits of Fresh AIr
Sufficient ventilation is crucial for creating and maintaining a healthy indoor climate. In the past, natural air infiltration was a major contributing factor to the healthy air exchanges in a…
Radiant Heating FactsheetComfortable, Efficient & Healthy
Have you ever enjoyed standing in front of a sunny window in winter soaking up the sun’s warmth while the temperatures outside were freezing? Radiant heating, in this case from…
Permeable Walls & Moisture Control FactsheetBreathable Walls
Until very recent building history, the building envelope (walls, floors, and roofs) of dwellings were made of materials harvested from nature like stone, wood, agricultural fiber and clay. They were…
Electromagnetic Radiation Factsheet 2Building Biology Solutions
This is the third module of the prerequisite and fundamental course on electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This course discusses sources and causes, Building Biology testing methods, and mitigation—recommendations and remediation. You…
Nontoxic, Natural Finishes FactsheetAllergic Reactions & Hypersensitivity
Dr. William Rae, MD, Director of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, suggests that our bodies are like a rain barrel. Every day we dump in pollutants in the form…
Subtle Energy Devices FactsheetChips, Pendants, Harmonizers
Subtle energy devices are defined for the purpose of this position statement as chips, pendants, harmonizers and the like that claim to mitigate the reaction of a human being to…
Free-flow Cosmic/Terrestrial Radiation FactsheetDangers from Below and Above
Every aspect of a home, school or commercial building’s outer skin, including the roof, windows, and foundation (and cellar walls and floor, if a cellar exists) should be crucial components…
Healthier Cities FactsheetBuilding Biology Case Histories
Principles 2-4 of the Building Biology Principles concern Community Planning: Place dwellings so occupants are undisturbed by sources of man-made air, soil, water, noise and electro-pollution. Place dwellings in well-planned…
Indoor Climate FactsheetThe Atmosphere of Living Spaces
“Living Climate” refers to the atmosphere of a living space. It captures and displays the essence of a home, fills the outer form with life, and creates either harmony or…
Healthy Sleeping Sanctuary FactsheetDe-stressing
The human body is an amazing, self-rejuvenating entity that has the ability to repair itself while it sleeps. This is accomplished with its own, internal electrical system that functions with…
Interiors: Cause & Effect FactsheetThe Symbiotic Relationship Between Owner and Space
Cultivated living tells us a lot about the educational background, character, intellect, artistic sense and aesthetics of an individual person, a family, and a community. You can download this fact…
Toxic Combustion ByproductsThe Degradation Of Indoor Air
Gas, oil, coal, wood, and other fuels burned indoors consume valuable indoor oxygen unless air for combustion is supplied from the outdoors. In tight, energy efficient buildings the byproducts of…
Natural Finishes FactsheetLess Toxic, More Healthy Alternatives
Surface finishes have always been at the heart of the building biology movement. Today, many finishing products are toxic to the environment, as well as to human health. It is…
Health Supporting Color Scheme FactsheetLife is always associated with hues
Every single living cell receives and transmits color rays, even those preferring to live in darkness. The body, mind and emotions of humans are no exception and are highly responsive…
Water Purity FactsheetFor Drinking & Bathing
Is the water that you drink and bathe in healthy? If you are on a community water system the US government requires them to publish a CCR (Consumer Confidence Report)…
Healthy Cleaning Products FactsheetSafer Ways To Clean
The following information is provided courtesy of Paula Baker-Laporte FAIA, BBP, co-founder and principal architect of EcoNest®. In order for a home to support our health it must be clean…
Acoustic Protection FactsheetIn Walls & Windows
The acoustical properties of a home can either make it a pleasant and peaceful place to be or a disruptive and aggravating environment. Finishes that are porous tend to absorb…